Obama Talk


This is a Wordle word cloud created using the full texts from four of Obama’s most well known and most historic speeches.  These include his 2004 Democratic Convention keynote (when I realize the guy would be the next President), his 2008 DNC nomination acceptance speech, his election acceptance speech, and this week’s equally historic inauguration speech.  Pretty fascinating stuff.

Visualizing the Inauguration

Along with the amazing social media figures released on the Obama Inauguration, there were a couple amazing ways of visualizing this incredible moment in history.  Not only did millions of live feeds get streamed out over the Internet, but satellites, iReporters and word clouds helped out as well.

Satellites captured this amazing image of the Nation Mall during Obama’s historic moment, showing the enormous crowd in front of the Capitol.

CNN’s iReport created a Photosynth of photos submitted by people viewing the inauguration.

And using Wordle, we can get a word cloud of Obama’s speech.